Test Access to the Server


Before we continue let’s clean up the rules just a little for best practices. The clean-up/catch-all/drop/etc rule is typically applied to the end of your policy, not necessarily within the rule-list. While its perfectly acceptable to have drop statements within individual rules to prevent certain traffic, the broader drop statement should be applied at the end of the policy (remember how AFM processes contexts from the beginning of this lab – see pages 6+7).

Use the Rule Lists page to modify the firewall rule ‘web_rule_list’. Open the Security > Network Firewall > Rule Lists page. Click on the rule list ‘web_rule_list’ to modify the rule list. Check the box next to the reject_10_20_0_0 rule and click ‘Remove’. The updated rule should look something like the below screen shot:


Next, you’ll want to add the reject rule to the policy. In the Configuration Utility, open the Security > Network Firewall > Policies page. Click on the rd_0_policy. Select ‘Add Rule’ drop down and select at the end. You’ll notice all the same options are available within a policy as they are within a rule-list. Create an entry with the following information then click Done Editing and commit the change.

Name reject_10_20_0_0
Protocol Any
Source Address, then click Add
Destination Address Any
Destination Port Any
Action Reject
Logging Enabled

The new Policy should look something like the screen shot below:
