1.5.5. Workflow 1: Creating a Backup Schedule

BIG-IQ is capable of centrally backing up and restoring all the BIG-IP devices it manages. To create a simple backup schedule, follow the following steps.

  1. Click on the Back Up & Restore submenu in the Devices header.

  2. Expand the Back Up and Restore menu item found on the left and click on Backup Schedules
  3. Click the Create button


  4. Fill out the Backup Schedule using the following settings:

    • Name: Nightly
    • Local Retention Policy: Delete local backup copy 1 day after creation
    • Backup Frequency: Daily
    • Start Time: 00:00 Eastern Daylight Time
    • Devices: Groups (radio button): All BIG-IP Group Devices

    Your screen should look similar to the one below.


  5. Click Save & Close to save the scheduled backup job.

  6. Optionally feel free to select the newly created schedule and select “Run Schedule Now” to immediately backup the devices.

    • Add a Name for the Back Up
    • Click Start
    • When completed the backups will be listed under the Backup Files section